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How to Tap Into Venus Energy Right Now

How to Tap Into Venus Energy Right Now

The world feels like a complete mess right now, doesn’t it?

I know, it might sound a little woo-woo, but hear me out. Venus , the planet of beauty, love, and self-worth, is here to remind you of one very simple truth: 

Reclaiming your joy is a radical act of resistance  ✯

In a world that thrives on stress, drama, and negativity, choosing to center your own pleasure, abundance, and self-care is a rebellious act. And guess what? You deserve that joy, right now, in this crazy world we’re living in.

The best part? It doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to make some big life change or take a course on self-care (although those things are great too!); there’s a super simple way to start reclaiming your joy, right where you are, right now. All you need to do is connect with Venus - and I’m not talking about some far-off, mystical planet in the sky. I’m talking about your Venus, the one in your birth chart, the one that can help you rediscover what lights you up, makes you feel whole, and ....

gives you that sense of inner peace amidst the storm.


And if that wasn’t enough, the current transits are literally giving you a cosmic push to get started. Venus is shifting energies in only a few days, and it’s time to ride that wave!. 🌊 

So let’s break it down. Here’s how to tap into Venus energy right now ~ and I promise, it’s easier than you think.


✯  Look at Your Natal Venus 

This is where the magic starts ~ your Venus placement in your birth chart. It’s not just an abstract thing; it’s a personal key to understanding how you recharge, what makes you feel loved, and how to nourish your soul amidst the chaos.

If you don’t know where your Venus is, don’t worry. I’m about to walk you through it:

  • Head over to astro.com (trust me,  game changer) and plug in your birth info ~ time, date, location.
  • Find Venus on your chart. It looks like the little ♀ symbol.
  • Write down the sign and house Venus is in. This is your cosmic love language.

For example: If Venus is in Taurus for you? Oh , you’re all about beauty in nature, sensual experiences, and grounding yourself in the physical world.

Venus in Gemini? You thrive on mental stimulation, learning new things, and having those spontaneous, life-is-an-adventure conversations. 

When you know where Venus is in your chart, you get to understand your own inner rhythms - and that’s where the power lies.


✯  Work with the Current Venus Transit 

Now, let’s talk about the moment we’re in. Venus is moving from dreamy, emotional Pisces into bold, action-oriented Aries on February 4th and ..... this is a big deal!  If you’ve been feeling a little stuck, a little unsure of where to go next, Venus in Aries is like a cosmic burst of energy. She’s all about taking action without apology. She doesn’t wait for permission. She goes after what she wants, unapologetically. 

So, what does this mean for you? It’s time to ask yourself:

  • Where are you hesitating in your life, in love, or with money?
  • Where have you been holding back because you’re afraid to take that leap?
  • What’s one thing you can do right now to claim your desires, whether that’s saying “no” to something that drains you, raising your prices, or stepping into that powerful version of yourself you've been hiding?


Venus in Aries is all about stepping into your power. It’s about doing the thing, no matter how messy it might feel. No more waiting around for the “perfect time” or worrying that you’re not enough. Venus is here to remind you that you are worthy of the bold, beautiful things you desire, so go ahead -take the leap. 

✯  Venus Retrograde as a Self-Care Check-In 

Okay, real talk—Venus retrograde is a thing, and it’s coming soon (the next one’s between March 2 - April 12, 2025). This isn’t something to dread, though. Think of it as a cosmic “reset” button. Venus retrograde is like the universe giving you permission to slow down and reassess your relationships, your finances, and most importantly ~ your self-worth.

So, when Venus retrograde rolls around, ask yourself:

  • Am I really taking care of myself, or am I just running on empty, giving everything to everyone else?
  • Are my relationships aligned with love and mutual respect, or do I need to set new boundaries?
  • Is the way I’m spending money actually supporting my joy and values, or is it a quick fix?

This is about realigning with what matters most to you and shedding anything that no longer serves you. It’s a cosmic invitation to nurture yourself ~ because, let’s face it, if you’re not taking care of yourself, nothing else can truly flourish. 


✯  Prioritize “Venus Time” 

Look, we both know that life gets busy. It’s easy to fall into the trap of always doing, always achieving, always “getting stuff done.” But here’s the thing

pleasure is not a luxury !.

It’s a necessity. Venus is here to remind you that making space for beauty, joy, and rest is one of the most rebellious acts you can do in this world right now. 

So how do you make Venus time happen? It’s simpler than you think:

  • Start with small rituals. Spritz some perfume like you’re preparing for a date with yourself. Sip your coffee or tea slowly, really savoring the moment. Be present in the little things.
  • Beautify your space. Fresh flowers, a new candle, a soft blanket ~ these little touches aren’t just decoration; they’re acts of self-love. 
  • And my personal favorite: Wear what makes you feel like a goddess. 👗 You don’t need a special occasion to slip into something that makes you feel amazing. Wear the dress, the shoes, the jewelry that makes you feel unstoppable.


So, beautiful soul, in the chaos of this world, reclaim your joy and today could change everything! Look at where Venus is in your chart, take a deep breath, and step into that bold, beautiful energy. You don’t need to wait for the “perfect moment.” 

The perfect moment is right here, right now.


With Love,




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